About Us
Southampton Place Extension (SHX) lies just west of Southampton (SH), and celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2025, two years after SH’s development date. SHX differs from SH because its deed restrictions permit two families per structure, and its original homes included a large percentage of duplexes. It lies between Greenbriar St. and Morningside St., and includes properties on both sides of the blocks of Wroxton, Albans, Sunset, Quenby, Robinhood, Tangley, Dunstan, and Bolsover. SHX addresses are always 23XX, but not all 23XX addresses on Tangley, Dunstan and Bolsover are in SHX. Some low numbers east of Greenbriar are in SH.
In 2019 the POA filed an amendment to the 1925 deed restrictions, after successful petition of homeowners. The amendment clarified and reduced some setback requirements, removed the “two-story” restriction in effect since 1925 on Sunset Blvd, and set a height restriction deemed sufficient for full-three-story residences throughout the POA.