Deed Restrictions / Plan Review Process
Southampton Place Extension is covered by two deed restrictions:
--The original (1925) restrictions, with some registered modifications from 1950 and 1975. Click for copy
--Amended restrictions, passed by petition and recorded in 2019. Click for copy
The Property Owners Association was adopted by petition and recorded in 2004. Click for copy
A primary responsibility of the SHX POA is to ensure that construction complies with the Deed Restrictions. All construction, whether new or remodeling of existing structures, can be affected by the Deed Restrictions. The POA has established a Plan Review process to assist architects, contractors, and residents as they plan for and execute construction projects.
SHX’s Plan Review Committee provides a valuable service by reviewing plans to ensure their compliance with the SHX deed restrictions prior to construction. Routine maintenance projects and/or interior remodeling projects such as painting or updating existing kitchens or bathrooms do not require plan review. However, please submit your plans to the SHX Deed Restriction Advisory Committee if you are contemplating new construction or a renovation or addition that meets at least one of the following criteria:
• changes the footprint of the house or other structures on the property
• encloses an existing porch or garage
• extends the house or other structures on the property over a property setback line through cantilevering a new structure
• adds a new story to the house or other structures on the property
• alters the roofline or otherwise alters the roof structure of the house or other structures on the property
• constructs anything in violation of the SHX Deed Restrictions
Please use Contact Us page to ask any questions and to find out where to email your plans.
Plans should include:
Plans can be submitted electronically, and should include:
1. Contact information for person submitting plans, and project owner (if different).
2. your site's existing legal survey (usually a letter-size drawing)
3. architectural plans that show the proposed site plan with building setbacks clearly dimensioned and gas meter location, floor plan of each level, exterior elevations with the overall building height dimension from grade level.
If your plans comply with the deed restrictions, you will be issued a letter of compliance with the deed restrictions that will greatly expedite obtaining your city building permit.
There is a $100 charge for a new construction or major remodeling project review. Smaller projects will be reviewed at no cost.